Color, black and white, and the negative to both.

This started with I could not decide which was best of the colour version or the black and white version.
I ended up with both versions + the negative to both in a collage.
f/13   1/200sek   iso200   180mm  +  blitz

9 kommentarer:

Liv Johanne sa...

utrolig tøff collage. Skjønner det kan være vanskelig å bestemme seg for hvilket man liker best, for de er stilige på hver sin måte. Personlig hadde jeg stor sans for det øverst til høyre..

Blomsten må da være en Tagetes (fløyelsblomst), vel?

Dagrun sa...

Tagetes er vel mulig at det er, jeg eier ikke grønne hverken det ene eller det andre... Flott collaget.

Kala sa...

Very creative mosaic!

Hootin Anni sa...


DAPPLED SUNLIGHT on Plumbago Blossom I'd love to have you visit with me today if you can.

EG CameraGirl sa...

I like this study in colour!

Joanne Olivieri sa...

Very creative artwork. I love what you've done.

Jay sa...

Good one!

Kim, USA sa...

A very impressive work! Happy Monday!

Turtles and frogs

christina, Sweden sa...

Wonderful collage, so detailes flower. I think my favourite is the black and white